The WebArtisan Chronicles

"The WebArtisan Chronicles" follows my journey as a seasoned developer and entrepreneur, sharing the challenges of launching new SaaS projects and learning marketing from scratch to build a sustainable future

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"The WebArtisan Chronicles" is a podcast that delves into my ongoing journey as a seasoned full-stack developer and self-employed entrepreneur. With over 20 years of experience in the tech industry, I’ve transitioned into building and launching sustainable SaaS projects. This podcast is where I share the real-time experiences of crafting these ventures—from the coding and development process to the strategic decisions that drive each project forward.

But this isn’t just about the technical side of things. As I continue to grow my business, I’m also diving headfirst into the world of marketing—a field where my knowledge is currently at zero. Join me as I learn and apply new marketing strategies, exploring what works, what doesn’t, and how to effectively reach and engage an audience. This podcast is as much about the challenges of learning and adapting as it is about the successes and innovations.

Whether you're a developer, entrepreneur, or someone interested in the intersection of technology and business, "The WebArtisan Chronicles" offers a transparent, no-holds-barred look at the realities of building a sustainable business from the ground up. Tune in to follow my journey, gain insights from my experiences, and maybe even find inspiration for your own path.


Big Client deal for CS AI
In this episode, I discuss the potential for a $3,000/month deal with a client interested in creating 2,000 AI-generated videos using Content Studio AI.
Aug 15, 2024
Working at home ... alone!
In this episode, I explore the challenges of working from home alone as an entrepreneur and the importance of building a support network to combat isolation.
Aug 14, 2024
Great news for Content Studio AI
In this episode, I reveal how I significantly reduced video generation costs for, enabling more affordable high-quality video creation for users.
Aug 13, 2024
Starting Marketing
In this episode, I explore my journey into learning marketing, focusing on SEO and cold emailing, and the challenges of applying these new skills.
Aug 12, 2024
Why I built
In this episode, I introduce, a multi-tool platform for developers, and discuss its features and future potential.
Aug 6, 2024
Marketing • That big incognito
In this episode, I dive into my journey of learning marketing from scratch, sharing my struggles and seeking advice as I navigate this overwhelming but essential field.
Aug 5, 2024
Working on Sundays
In this episode, I delve into my habit of working on weekends and holidays, exploring the blurred lines between work and leisure when your job feels like a hobby.
Aug 4, 2024
Keep it simple, and 🚀 launch quickly
In this episode, I discuss the importance of avoiding over-engineering and the benefits of quickly launching and validating your projects.
Aug 3, 2024
Great minds think alike
In this episode, I introduce "MVP as a Service" and discuss the challenges and strategies for quickly delivering MVPs while navigating marketing and client acquisition.
Aug 3, 2024
Thanks Brian
In this episode, I reflect on how Ripple FM inspired me to finally overcome impostor syndrome and share my journey as a developer and entrepreneur through this podcast.
Aug 3, 2024


There are 6 posts about this show. Subscribe to view.

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