Start a Community For Your Podcast Subscribers

Bring your listeners together in a private community for your podcast.

Communities on
Public vs. Private

There are two ways to start a community on

  • Already have a public podcast?
    Claim your community on so that all of your fans can connect with eachother and with you.
  • Start a private podcast & community.
    Only registered subscribers on can access your content and discussions.

Let's compare public vs. private podcast communities on

Podcast host?
Claim your community

No need to change podcast hosts.
Invite your fans to join your podcast's official community on
Option to open your community to all or make it private, paid, or approved members-only.

Start your
Private podcast community

Only registered subscribers can access your podcast and discussions.
Each subscriber gets their own private RSS feed, which you can track and manage access.
Option to open your community to all or make it private, paid, or approved members-only.

What types of communities connect on

Podcast Communities
Private Podcast Communities
Company Podcast Groups
Mastermind Groups
Student Groups
Friend Groups
Industry Groups
Interest Groups

Start community on for free

Join for Free

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