Every podcast has a community on Ripple.fm. Claim yours.

Why claim your podcast's community on Ripple.fm?

Every day, users on Ripple.fm use our podcasts search to find and connect with their fellow listeners of their favorite podcasts.

Chances are, your fans are already here.

Like any listener, you can join your own podcast's community on Ripple.fm and start connecting right away.

As a host, it's a good idea to officially claim your status as your podcast's host. This will unlock several benefits and abilities as the host of your show:

  • Fill out your podcast's info
    Ripple.fm already has your pod's artwork and title. You can add your links and expanded info about your show and its hosts.
  • Get a "Host" badge
    Your "host" badge is shown on all your comments so your listeners know they're chatting with the host!
  • Moderate discussions
    Unlock abilities to moderate, edit and delete comments posted about your show on Ripple.fm.
  • Connect and network with your podcast's listeners
    No more broadcasting "into the void". Ripple.fm puts you directly in contact with your most loyal listeners.
  • Manage community memberships
    By default, anyone can join a public podcast's community. As the official host, you have the option to make your community memberships more exclusive, adding a registration/approval step, or even selling access to your community.
  • Sell access to your podcast's community
    Charge membership fees for people to become members of your podcast's community. A great way to monetize your show!


What's the approval process for hosts?

How do my co-hosts get approved as hosts?

Does it cost anything to be approved as a host?

Do I need move my podcast's hosting to Ripple.fm in order to claim it as my podcast on Ripple.fm?

So what are you waiting for? Join and claim your podcast's community today!

Claim your podcast's community for free

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