45+ and Thriving? Midlife Thoughts of an Entrepreneur

What's next for someone after an exit and their kids are almost adults?

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It's an interesting time of life and what a great platform to share more in-depth (yet short?) thoughts and learnings.

I'm 45+, had a nice exit that leaves my retirement fund in healthy order, but what do I do till then? 

My journey and thoughts looking at various product ideas and do I have one more startup in me until it's time to hang up the boots?


Catchup after 2 weeks - Contract locked in and new startup seems to be a hit
Catchup after 2 weeks - Contract locked in and new startup seems to be a hit
Sep 1, 2024
Ideas Trump Execution - In a world of AI... ?
Are ideas becoming more important now that AI helps us execute?
Aug 14, 2024
Weekly Update and some Claude AI Thoughts
Weekly Update and some Claude AI Thoughts
Aug 11, 2024
So who am I? What am I working on ?.....
Quick Intro to myself and what main projects I'm currently looking in to
Aug 5, 2024


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